Modern workflows for recreational vehicles.

Claims. Parts. Repair. Service.

Warranty claims on autopilot.

  • Digital, integrated workflow reduces back and forth between dealer and OEM.

  • Guided checklist for dealer acceptance forms (DAF) and pre-delivery inspections (PDI).

  • Embedded flat rate manuals.

  • Cross functional collaboration and reporting.

Say goodbye to PDFs and handwritten notes.

Empower your people to do more.

Unite your workflows with vinny’s Enriched VIN file.

  • Start indexing parts and components tied to VINs before units hit the lot. In one place. For every unit.

  • Launch your procurement process with confidence. No more guessing which parts and components fit which units.

  • Bring all your part suppliers into one browser window. Get rid of spreadsheet price and delivery comparisons.

Meet the team

Keith Chilek, CTO

Rob Cochran, CRO

Trip Edwards, CEO

Team and advisors from:

Roadpass Digital












Cox Automotive


Roadpass Digital - Lippert - THOR - Motility - RVIA - THL - Cox Automotive -


To foster human flourishing.

  • Stay humble and acknowledge others.

    We love to laugh. We care deeply about our work, and are committed to finding joy in it. We embrace criticism and have no problem laughing at ourselves - there is a difference between humor and ridicule, and we honor it. We keep an ongoing list of things we’re thankful for, and we look for opportunities to support each other, our customers, partners, and vendors without any transactional expectation of something in return. We don’t sweat the small stuff, and we take the big stuff in stride.

  • To build and create is to understand the interconnectedness of things.

    We obsess over customer input and feedback. We lean heavily into intuition and pattern matching, but we don’t take anything at face value and we don’t formulate our POVs in a vacuum. We are comfortable saying “I don’t know.” This is a strength, not a sign of weakness. We commit to viewing roadblocks and setbacks as opportunities for growth, and we look for opportunities to improve everything we can. We learn through iterative testing and the creative process.  

  • We take initiative and don’t wait for others to tell us what to do.

    Skills and abilities speak louder than any title. We don’t let our management structure get in the way of progress and the free flow of ideas (which can and should come from anywhere). We deploy our investors’ capital as if it were our own. We honor our commitments and follow through with accountability and integrity. We know people are counting on us and we hold that sacred. We listen to customers and each other and respond in a timely manner. We are transparent, straightforward, and direct with our communication. We speak truth and we don’t let egos get in the way. We value feedback and respectful interactions.

  • When we keep our perspectives fresh, we grow.

    We are diverse, not because we have quotas to meet, but because we see each other’s unique talents and we value them. When we show up at work each day, we strive to celebrate each other’s superpowers, not catalog each other’s weaknesses. This is a team sport. Whether we win or lose, we do so as a team. We do not focus on our own individual credit, and we don’t distance ourselves from anything anyone else on our team does. We commit to changing it up. Routines are important, but not as important as breaking them. We admit that there are two sides to every coin. That doesn’t change its essence as a coin, but it does change how the world interacts with it.

  • We believe we are the best in the world at what we do, and we expect to win. 

    Whether in front of customers, prospective employees, partners, or investors, we draw on every available resource and do whatever it takes to present our company in the best possible light. We will never sacrifice our values for the sake of a win. It’s because of our values, and the talent we bring to the table, that we expect to win.  Engagement and margin improvement is our north star. We don’t operate in a vacuum: new features, segments, pricing, partnerships… everything flows through the filter of customer feedback.